About Us

Johnston and Partners is a leading, dynamic law firm in KwaZulu-Natal that operates at Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Rocks.

Johnston and Partners was established and has been in practice since 1996. The Firm has a staff contingent of approximately 35 people, comprising of a number of Senior Attorneys Junior Attorneys, Candidate Attorneys, secretaries, paralegals, bookkeepers and messengers.

Andrew Johnston, who is the Senior Partner of Johnston and Partners, has been practicing law since 1985 and is experienced in Commercial Law, Banking Law and Insurance Law and particularly specializes in Commercial Law, Business Rescue, Liquidations and Sequestrations, Foreclosures and Repossessions.

Johnston and Partners has over a period of time been recognized as one of the forerunners in relation to Liquidation and Sequestration applications in KwaZulu-Natal. Johnston and Partners prides itself on being on some of the major Banking and Insurance Panels in addition to having a substantial and well-established Conveyancing practice.